Steps in the Right Direction

Handrails along steps are pretty much taken for granted … unless you’re involved in Milwaukee metal fabrication!

Designing and creating handrails is serious business. People rely on them for safe access on steps, especially those with physical disabilities. Given winter’s impending arrival, handrails will undoubtedly get more use in coming months due to ice and snow.

Fabricating and installing handrails that are functional and attractive is definitely not taken for granted at 3Up Metal Works! Two recent projects demonstrate our pride in workmanship and outcomes.

Our Milwaukee custom metal fabricators were honored to create and install new handrails at the Center for Veterans Issues Mental Wellness Center. Being a strong supporter of veterans and their needs, anything we can do to help them is always a high priority

The Center for Veterans Issues is an integral part of the Milwaukee veterans community. We’re always happy to help out this worthwhile organization, any way we can.

The fresh, shiny handrails below are part of a collaboration with Wangard Partners to update a commercial property in the Milwaukee area. This project encompassed significant planning. Two different handrail designs were required: one tying into the concrete bordering the steps, and another freestanding in the middle.

The Milwaukee welders at 3Up Metal Works take pride in every project. These two involved improvements that are positive “steps” for all. When safety and accessibility are involved, our team knows the steps to ensure a job well done!

Rick Moon